BENEFIT-Med celebrates the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCIENCE with the Mini-Symposium Women in Science organized by Anca Macovei on February 9th, 2024

International day of women and girls in science

Powerful women scientists, Fiona Hay, Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop and Inez Slamet-Loedin shared with us their careers and journeys in Science – Aliénor de Moucheron brought the voice of PRIMA Foundation, so active in promoting Gender-sensitive strategies in Science and Agriculture) – an extremely rich and touching experience … young PhD and Post-Doc women, some of them […]

BENEFIT-Med in the ISSS-ISTA webinar on Seed Priming on November 29th, 2023

Webinar on seed priming

Prof. Anca Macovei has joined the conference as invited speaker, as representative of the International Seed Science Society (ISSS), selected for her internationally renowned, long-term expertise in the study of seed quality. An opportunity to disseminate the goals of BENEFIT-Med and the ongoing work.

BENEFIT-Med at the Researchers’ Night … disclosing the secrets of seeds !!!

BENEFIT-Med at the Researchers Night

The European Researchers’ Night in Pavia took place on September 29th, 2023. The UNIPV Team has participated to the event, organized at the Visconti Castle in Pavia, focusing on specific aspects of seed biology, such as seed viability and germination performance, seed quality and seed priming together with the issues of climate change, biodiversity and […]

Seminar on Water, Climate Change, Agriculture, and territorial development

Seminar on Water, Climate Change, Agriculture, and territorial development

BENEFIT-Med, together with the Ferhat Abbas University – Sétif 1, Algeria and with the support of the General Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSTDT), has organized the International Seminar “Water, Climate Change, Agriculture and Territorial Development” – 16 sessions on different topics of geography and agronomy. Wonderful location, scientific cross-talking between different disciplines […]

Never stop sharing BENEFIT-Med

Séminaire NETTUNIT

Active dissemination of BENEFIT-Med at the Séminaire NETTUNIT – Net de l’environnement Transfrontaliére TUNisie-Italie. The Team from University of Sfax promoted the pivotal concepts and values of the project in Hammamet (Tunisia).

BENEFIT-Med at the 3rd EPI-CATCH Conference

Meeting renowed international scientists with advanced expertises in plant epigenomics and share with them the challenges of our BENEFIT-Med project. This happened in Sofia (Bulgaria) during 3rd EPI-CATCH Conference organized in the frame of Cost Action CA19125, at the end of May 2023. The BENEFIT-Med Coordinator, Alma Balestrazzi, and the PI of the Greek Partner […]

BENEFIT-Med at ISSS-2023 in Paris

Can you imagine a better stage to disseminate the BENEFIT-Med advances than the Conference of the ‘International Seed Science Society’? The international research community working on seed science and technology was hosted at the Sorbonne Université in Paris (France), from 3 to 7 July 2023 ( The French PI of BENEFIT-Med, Loїc Rajjou was among […]